Monday, 23 December 2013

Something written a while back...

Good morning,
I hope things are going well that side. When you are blessed like me, one can’t complaint... but to pay honour and to count the blessings. We may not live in a mansion but we have a roof over our head; we may not drive a convertible or a luxury BMW but we have the ability to walk and move from point to point.
How blessed are we this morning that I am still able to write an email to you; how blessed are we that no matter what we may go through each day, God still come and say, My child take my hand and I will lead you to prosperity.
Yes I may have been hijacked a week ago; have lost my laptop, my account been emptied and for the past few days I have been stressing about how I will travel to work, how I will pay my rent and how I will survive throughout the month (those things are material and life is priceless). But then looking back in life; this have not been my first hijacking; it been my 3rd. Yep, I survived 3 hijackings, 2 accidents and been held hostage once... I had endless episodes of bad health, been in and out of hospitals, operations and whatsoever; but God remained faithful. He protected me and He made sure that I fly from the storm to reach the rainbow.
He promised me in Jeremiah 29:11 that He plan a life of prosperity for me; and keeping that in mind, I can testify that the devil is a liar; my Father is mighty and will never bring harm over me. My Father have yet blessed and woke me up this morning.
More than anything else in this world; I wish to share Numbers 23:19 with you... the scripture itself is a not only a testimony but also a promise that our God is faithful, and like the scripture says: “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it?”
My dear friend, if I think of these two powerful scriptures, than I can promise you that Our God is able to do what He promised to do... In Jeremiah 29:11 He made us aware that He plan a life of prosperity for us; while in Numbers 23:19 we receive the calmness in knowing that yes, it may not be now but it forms part of his greater plan to take us and to give us what we want and need... Numbers remind us that our God is no liar, He does not go back on His word and whatever He promised, He will deliver.
Let us not give up hope, let us not dwell on what we don’t have, but let us be reminded of His great love and His ability to carry us through and when we fight some battles, let us call upon Him for help and let us continue to remember Him in our every walk, our every talk and thoughts. Let us free our minds from hate and pain no matter the pain caused by others and when we cry let it be tears of joy knowing that our God is mighty and He will carry us through...
Have a blessed day!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

It makes you think...: Greatness beyond fear...

It makes you think...: Greatness beyond fear...: I walked into the office this morning after a few days of sick leave. As I make head way to the office; I bumped into a female colleague wh...

Greatness beyond fear...

I walked into the office this morning after a few days of sick leave. As I make head way to the office; I bumped into a female colleague who suggested a quick meeting…
So, as it is still early I popped in for a quick hello and to catch up on life in general. The strangest thing about the conversation is that this colleague doesn’t know apart of my life – of cause many don’t as I keep a subtle balance between my work and personal life.
Making headway through the conversation she raised the question… “Eduardo why are you scared?”, shock when through my veins as I am uncertain what she refers to, what is the intention of the question and what even made her to ask such thing.
“Scared?”, I could not help asking her with some sense of nervousness in my voices. And as we continue chatting about this and that I realize that the conversation is based on my personal and professional life.
The scariest part is that over the past few years, many people viewed and regarded me as a strong, independent and don’t-give up person. I have tackled and fought battles both from a medical and career perspective and somewhat managed to take the bull by the horn.
The conversation however took me back down memory lane when I was still around 20 years when I first started to work at WC NACOSA with Luann Hatane and Shirley Ilunga and how unexpected I been offered a position elsewhere; without an application and but merely and interview based on what been told about me.
At that point, moving to my second job; it brought a lot of challenges. I risk my permanent job for a 6 month contract position but with the hope to find a permanent position of which I did after my second month of employment.
This then led to some pretty bad challenges; my health went backwards. As a child I never been to a doctor not even for tonsils; there never been any need and suddenly when my permanent position came, I was faced with an emergency operation. It scared the hell out of me… but besides the fear it somehow made me to challenge my Maker in the greatest way. To me, the pain was too unbearable and I could not accept what I had to deal with. I was young, had my eye set on my career. I had plans for my life and saddest was that it all seemed to be ruined.
I remember after being discharged from hospital after the operation, a friend fetch me from the hospital and handed a letter over to me. At that point I have done anything possible to leave Cape Town immediately and to recuperate at home in Beaufort West. I told nobody about my plans and as the bus left Cape Town station I released the medical risk I put myself under.
That letter remained closed until I returned to the office after the 6 week six leave period. The first time I read it, it meant nothing to. It was just another piece of paper with letters on it – meaningless. Every time when I read the letter it end up with papers I planned to threw away; but it keep ending up in a place for me to read.
After my endless battle with God, my many days of “why me Lord…” the letter appear to me again and as usual read it again… this time I am reading and understanding it. This time the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 became clearer and clearer and the revelation of His love could be witnessed in my love.
The very same time when the scripture start to make sense to me; It reminded me how I worked at an organization where I had no benefits; but how God knew the plan for my life. He knew that sooner I will fell ill, I would need medical treatment and need to undergo an operation – something I would not have been able to afford with a NGO salary.
It became clearer that God’s plan was indeed much better than my dream…
Continuing the conversation, each word she spoke reminded me of something in my past; it reflected on the past pains but mostly the fear of the situation I found myself in… but the greatest of all was to be reminded of the courage and trust I developed in my maker. I survived three hijackings, two accidents, been held hostage in my flat and endless bad things – but He stood by me.
FEAR? SCARED? If I take this day as a lesson, I am reminded about my great potential, my gifts and talents but mostly challenged with the fact that I can achieve much more if only I have the COURAGE to do what is in my power…
Deep down my soul lies a gentle heart, a soul that long to do great but mostly a soul that lacks the courage and trust in him to do great. We are trapped in our comfort zones to work for someone… yet we fear our own greatness and too scared of taking up the challenge to be what we destined to be.
I am not who I am because of my inability; but rather because of my fear to stood above the rest…
Let the sun set on 2013 with the commitment to take on any challenge in 2014… And may we all enter the year FEARLESSLY!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Wednesday 11 December 2013

I woke up early with the buzzing sounds of military helicopters over the roof of my Pretoria CBD flat. Opening the windows I heard the sounds of joyous people with a sense of mourning and celebration.

Getting ready for work, all what is in my mind is whether I should not just stay home and join in on the activities...

Wednesday 11 December 2013 will remain a remarkable day... A day when I saw how history unfold infront of a young South African man who does not have much knowledge of apartheid but who have read and been told about it... Yes this day mark the first day for the public to view Tat Madiba's "body laying in state"...

What a remarkable morning... Local and International Journalists all over the streets of Pretoria, while every single person try to be caught on camera.

But as I walk through the people; a few things went unnoticed... The sense of ubuntu, the spirit of unity and reconcillation... The dream of being together just as Tata has fought for....

Yes I do not know much about apartheid, and what I do know is that what been told to me through history books, articles, etc. I do not know where Mandela's death will lead us but I can be for sure that I we continue with the spirit in which we celebrate his life, then certainly we can reach milestones as a nation and continent.

The early morning spirit of the people brought some joy to my heart and it immediate made me to rethink back of South Africa a few years ago...

1. I thought of how many South Africans fought against foreigners in our townships but as I dwell in my own foughts, I could not help to witness how a foreigner is hugged by a local. To me that brought a sense of reconciliation.

2. I dwell further in my mind and could not help how we at times discrimante against homeless people but was granted the opportunity to witness how a "black suit" reach his pocket and hand money to the homeless. That is the sense of true Ubuntu

3. My mind immediately told me how nice it will be when people do not judge me on my race but will include me based on what I stand for and who I am. A son of Africa... and this thought made me to realise how different nationalities appear on one picture... That definitely is Unity...

Reflecting on the events over the past week since the official announcement, I can not help be reminded that Tata stood for Ubuntu, Reconciliation, Unity and so many other things... and that it now our time to just our bit of what he stood for to keep the legacy alive.

South Africans, the world has seen us uniting in 2010... They once again witnessed how death brought us closer and how we irrespective of our racial and other differences we can still stand united.

Let us not fall apart after his funeral... but let us use his legacy to continue doing the most simplest thing he did: TOLERANCE!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Are we safe...

On 19 November we will yet again celebrate International Men's Day... Yes not many is aware of these celebrations and unlike International (or South African) Women's Day, it does not get the neccessary media attention.

The 2013 is "Keeping our boys and men safe". And since the beginning of this year when writing concepts and proposals to business and government; I could not help to wonder are we equally in our power doing enough to keep our boys and men safe.

We were raised with the idea and mentality that men and boys don't cry; and while we believed in that, we neglected to understand that we too have feelings, emotions and often we too go through hardships and pain.

Yes generally and traditionally we regarded as the head of a house, the breadwinners and often the role model for the fatherless child in our community, but how can become that if we neglect and if we ignore our own self.

I was raised in a small town called Beaufort West in the Karoo (Western Cape) and through experience and observation, about 80% of households is often run by women... Single headed households if one may put it that way... What happened to the men, the fathers, the brothers and the uncles... And with no doubt many women did a good job.

But in essence getting back to the now... I am of the opinion that our men and boys are not well looked after nor cared for. This may be based on our perception that men need to be strong, but has it ever crossed your mind that it often our boys who fall victim of illegal activities?

Has it ever crossed your mind that drug lords often prey on your boys doing their business, that it often young boys who fill the juvenile centres and that it often our young men and boys who often in the lead and fell victim of criminal and illegal activities.

The question is still, what do we do to keep our men and boys safe. We have seen a tremendous increase in drug abuse amongst young boys... the increase in domestic voilence and unemployment and even lately the increase in suicide. So if we continue to believe that "big boys don't cry", are we not indirectly saying that men and boys don't have feelings and is it not maybe time to listen to their voice.

Madame, your 16 year old daughter was made pregnant by a boy who didn't understand what sex mean. That neighbour who lost her husband, committed suicide because he felt trapped in his own emotions and skin, that pastor's son who is in a juvenile centre committed that crime because he was judged for being out of line... and believe me Mr Police Officer, that boy selling drugs is doing it because he does not fit in at home.

With all the examples and experiences faced in communities, I suppose it is high time to focus on the wellbeing of not only our women but also our men in society. That men who ended in a hospital bed last night, was protecting your daughter from the evils of society and more so protected her from being a possible rape victim...

Truthfully speaking, we often warn our female counterparts about dark corners, about walking alone and to be careful of not attracting wrong peers; but when last have you ever told your son that...

The theme for 2013 surely is one of most importance in that it not only focussing on the men as partners in communities and business but it seek to:
  • Keeping Men and Boys safe by tackling male suicide
  • Keeping boys safe so they can become tomorrow's role models
  • Tackling our tolerance of violence against men and boys
  • Boosting men's life expectancy by keeping men and boys safe from avoidable illness and death
  • Keeping men and boys safe by promoting fathers and male role models
South Africa, we in need of positive male role models not to only curb drug abuse and usage in our communities but also to fight crime and to ensure that one enjoy a safe environment. Let us help fight the evils and let us stand together in keeping each other safe.

Show your support on International Men's Day and let us strive towards UBUNTU!

Controversy or not...

South Africa in my opinion is probably the only country in which people can say what they want and the moment the message is interpreted, it follows with an apology that the message, or it's content was either taken out of context, misinterpreted or misunderstood.

How many times in the past 5 years has the President went public on his opinion about certain issues and the moment when the media and public challenge him on it, it turn into a media campaign from his spokesman to rectify the situation and to vocally become on the attack of many South Africans claiming that his statements was misunderstood.

Recently Pres Jacob Zuma made yet another boo... and what followed is Mac Maharaj's statement that the "president was misunderstood and that the message was taken out of context.." (

So what if the president was right or wrong...? Don't you agree that it is by time that our country deserve true and honest politicians and leaders who irrespective of what stand to their point. Yes! I have more faith in someone who admit openly that they wording or phrase used may have been politically incorrect and that they stand to what they say and believe.

I suppose politics reached its sell-by date with advisors and spokesmen who continuously rectify the mistakes of our leaders. More so it is about time that politicians speak about what they believe in and not allow advisors to write their speeches...

I am of the opinion that too many times has our president say the wrong thing and it was in many times interpreted the way it was meant to be. Yes we can all make a linguistic error but it is not the duty or responsibility of an advisor nor spokesman to rectify public statements.

Is this a matter of exercising the right of "freedom of speech" , and when you end in the dog box, you quick to apologies.

Mr President, let us be fair. Media reports, and tapes is witness enough on what been said... Let us be man enough to stand firmly and apologies publicly in person when we said something that was not meant for the general public!

And I quote the following article of the (23/10/2013):

Jacob Zuma's controversial remarks that South Africans shouldn't "think like Africans generally" and that highways in Gauteng province are "not some national road in Malawi" were "taken out of context and blown completely out of proportion", presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj has claimed.
But were they really?

The comments were made during an address to the Gauteng ANC Manifesto Forum at Wits University in Johannesburg on Monday night and ignited a storm of controversy. Zuma's utterances, which centred on plans to implement an electronic tolling system on roads across the Gauteng province, were quickly dubbed the "I am not an African" speech.

In a statement issued today to "correct distortions in the media", Maharaj said the remarks were made "in the broader context of South Africa achieving more in the past 19 years of freedom and democracy".
Is this what Zuma said?

Maharaj then claimed that this is what Zuma really said:
"With regards to road construction, Gauteng has built many kilometres of new 8-10 lane freeways built at a cost of about R20-billion. This is more than our national roads budget for one year. The roads are to be tolled to pay back the money we borrowed to build the freeways. Our policy is that users should pay for extra government expenses.

"It is not fair to make the whole of South Africa pay for Gauteng's road use by taxing everyone's petrol more. We thank all citizens who have registered for the e-tolls so that we can continue to improve roads and boost economic growth in Gauteng."

According to Maharaj's statement, "[t]he President then made the example that it was also not fair to expect Gauteng roads to be compared to roads in other towns such as "Pietermaritzburg, Rustenburg, Polokwane or any other town or national road in Malawi as this was Gauteng, the heartbeat of South Africa's economy and an international city of commerce and business".

Or is this what Zuma really said?
But a recording of the event, published by Eyewitness News, tells a very different story. We have transcribed key portions of that recording and this is what Zuma had to say:
"We thank all citizens who have registered for the e-tolls so that we can continue to improve roads and boost economic growth in Gauteng. Gauteng must develop. It can't stand in one place. It can't be. It can't be like Rustenburg [laughter]...

"The roads are to be tolled to pay back the money we borrowed to build the freeways, to make the economy flow in Johannesburg, not so? The principle of user pay has to apply to complement the costs incurred by government. This is what all the economies in the world do.
"We can't think like Africans in Africa generally. [Laughter] We are in Johannesburg. This is Johannesburg. It is not some national road in Malawi. [Laughter] No."

Conclusion – Maharaj's statement is dishonest
Maharaj's statement is a dishonest attempt to spin Zuma's gaffe. It is clear from the recording that Zuma's remarks were not "taken out of context" or distorted and that he did indeed make remarks about "Africans generally", and Malawi in particular, that came across as disparaging. DM

I am sure that with the above report and many others one can easily conclude who is at fault; but allow the public to be open minded and judge themselves. 

After all the lesson I take from this, is that if this blog is taken out of context and or misunderstood; I also can easily find a scape goat and let them apologies on my behalf!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

What lies ahead in 2014...

It took me a while to start writing again. Work and some personal issues kept me away from writing the normal mind provoking stuff... and to add the cherry on top, I need to admit that the reviews of the previous blog was rather well perceived.

Agree or disagree; love, politics and the economy make heads turn. It is those topics that often make one wonder if you mature enough to challenge it.

So today, lol hate me for this... we not all politicians, but we politically minded; we not always right but we never wrong - all it matters is how your opinion is perceived.

I recently took a drive with a friend to Pretoria North, and as we drove along I am reminded that we face yet another democratic election in 2014. I was shocked to realise that during November many young South Africans will be registering for next years elections. Many of them don't understand politics, neither knowing what right or wrong and not even sure who they want to lead the country.

As crazy and scary as it may sound... I don't know who to vote for. Yes I have an idea of who deserve my vote but in this country I have never came across a politician nor a party who committed and faithful to his promise to its voters.

Believe it or not. I recently spend three weeks in Beaufort West for a family crisis. This is my hometown. A town which I value most and a town which I still dream of returning to and help grow. The saddest thing of returning after a year, was to realise that nothing has changed. Still the same guy standing on the street corner looking for a job, still the same nurse at a public clinic who does not abide to the patient confidentiality rule and yes still the same gogo struggling to make ends meet.

But I need to admit. The one thing that dramatically changed is politicians who drive bigger and fancier cars; extended houses and the increase of nepotism when filling government jobs.

Well another thing which could be deemed as positive is the fact that a certain HR manager at a government department was realised from his duties; this probably because he had to many people appointed in positions they never been qualified for...

Strange but true, nepotism, unfair policies and discrimination will remain the order of the day unless we as voters become clear and certain of what we expect from our political parties.

No, don't get me wrong. This is not about the Beaufort West situation but rather an example of the problems in the country. Do you even realise that majority (over 80%) of ministers hail from the Kwazulu Natal province - is this because our president is from there or is merely just by chance and suitability.

Come on guys I am against no politician... in fact I often consider joining politics but for that I am too honest. I can't get on a train without paying for the ride. I cant live a flashy life while others suffer and neither can I appoint a brother knowing he is not qualified enough.

The crime situation in this country has increased because we take no regard of the judical system. Social problems get worst because our dear ministers doesn't hear the cry for help and to top it up people get sicker because our health practitioners no longer understand the oath to safe a life.

To me my friends, any politician wishing to gain my vote should be able to deliver and not just promise; and above all I am shopping for a politician who can confidently:
  • ensure that opportunities (employment, housing) is distributed evenly irrespective of race and class
  • fight against poverty and social problems which damages the economy of the country 
  • create employment opportunities for our youth no matter of race and to ensure that our health and criminal system is in tact
  • vest time in developing rural areas and break away from the urban comfort zones
  • put the people first...
Saddest part of it all, is that you currently see no politician in sight on farms fighting for workers rights... wait until there is mass action and media attention and witness how they flock to those areas. You don't see any politician visiting or addressing the needs of older people in the communities until election times. No politician even bother at this time to visit rural communities, until their votes are needed.

My dear political leader, I am not saying stop what you are doing; all I am asking is to prevent the bill to be at the expense of the voter... Do not make promises based on the mandate you received from the party you serve, but start to think of the needs of the people.

The only way we can protect this country, is not by making empty promises but by serving.

To my dear body out there, your vote is your choice and your secret. Use it to the best of your benefit and to ensure that together we fight for a better country where we equal and have access to the same resources be it in urban or rural areas.

Whatever lies ahead in 2014; our lives lies in our vote! Make sure you make the best decision!

Friday, 9 August 2013

Are you in love...

In less than a week celebrating my birthday. Yep, on 17 August I will be adding another year to my age... and the older I get; the conversation of the ideal birthday often come up...

Just this afternoon I had a chat with a buddy about the ideal birthday and how we based on cultural, racial and religious customs celebrate it. To me it more than just the number that increases but rather a day of reflection - reflecting on the year that was; the potholes travelled and off cause the lessons learned and bridges crossed.

But as older we get and no matter how often we count our blessings; we always want more. We seek more happiness and yes we continue to strive towards perfection, have the ideal job and off cause, if we single we dream of the ideal partner and on the contrary when in a relationship we pray that the flame of love will last forever.

No matter how you celebrate your birthday; to me it the start of something new, something exciting and miraculous knowing that through all the obstacles faced, the rain and storms, I made it through it all and now experience the brightness of the rainbow in sight...

But my first blog is not about celebrating birthdays it is about the smallest yet most powerful word. Do you know that feeling of when you start to fall in love and when your lover for the first time say "I love you..."; Lol thinking about it gives me butterflies in the stomach.
It is that first phase of falling in love that we start to hope and dream that it will last forever. That very first kiss that we wish never end and when your paths cross you don't sleep before saying good night and off cause if you run out of airtime it feels as if you experience a panic attack because you do not want any message to go unanswered nor do you want to fall asleep or wake up without hearing their voices.

Interesting enough love often take you to a place where you feel that everything is perfect; soon once you head over heels, one person matter most and you start to neglect the usual friends, chat less with your frequent buddies and one thing for sure you strive towards making someone happy and start to neglect yourself.

I travelled the love road many time... and experience taught me that once in love I tend to become someone I am not - someone who put his happiness aside for the sake of love.

But why do we do that; we take ourselves on a rollercoaster and go back in forth in life. We go through one hardship to another with one common phrase... "Next time I wont love like this again."

Yes love is deep and true love is deeper but when it is mutual it can go miles without water, without food and we both just find joy by sharing and experiencing love in the greatest way. But what happen when love dry up?

We start saying the things we never ought to say while in love. Yes while we in love with someone we in agreement of everything; we put our no's aside and obviously just focus on saying yes for the sake of keeping someone else happy.

So why reserve the no's for the day of break up. So why waiting on the day of break up to remind the next person of how much they hurt and betrayed you while still dating...

My buddy I heard many stories of failed relationships... and I came to the conclusion that many heartaches been caused due to a lack of assertiveness, a lack of trying to understand someone while you don't understand yourself. They say the first way point of loving someone is to start loving yourself and while I believe that love is a matter of expecting what you prepared to give I cant help to wonder how many of you often blame yourself when love dies...

So if you a victim of a broken heart here is a few tips...
  • Never try to glue the pieces of the glass together... The beauty of the vase is lost its  value once it broken and even when you try your best to fix it, the glue line will still make it look ugly. \
  • Don't underestimate your power. Never even tell the next person they the best thing that happened to you... once they know it, you will make them a priority while you remain an option.
  • Never keep quiet about the wrongs of the next person only because you fear to loose them... never stay silent; speak out and protect your heart. It better to loose someone for being true to yourself than to deal each day with lies...
  • Keep believing that each failed relationship got nothing to due with the next. Never compare but never allow the mistakes to repeat itself...
So lets talk about love; are you in love... do you love and do you even understand love. Love is not found in the job s/he hold, not in the car they drove nor in the bank balance; but it is found in the heart and sensed in the soul. Only you know when you truly loved...

Have a great evening and if you happily married or in a relationship, keep the fire burning but never let it cause burnout on you...